take action
General Steps to support abolitionist work in education today:
- Speak with fellow students/ parents/ educators about what affects you all day to day in education. Consider how you can build towards a set of demands and build a group strong enough to apply pressure. What structures already exist that might be useful for this? eg. parent groups and trade union branches.
Write to your child's school explaining how zero-tolerance behaviour policies negatively impact your child and family.
Apply to be a School Governor and take steps to end exclusions within your local school and Education Authority.
Practice abolitionist principles in your daily life from the classroom to the playground to the streets and the home!
Join your local cop watch group. Introduce conversations about police in schools, if they’re not taking place already. Check out this No Police in Schools campaign for resources and guidance.
Join your local Sisters Uncut group (women and nonbinary, agender and gender variant people).
Support our moratorium
Join us! ​
Membership to NME is FREE but where you can, please donate to our just Giving page.
What we expect
All members – Begin as friends & supporters. In order to move from friends & supporters to change initiators they will need to demonstrate engagement in the work of NME over a 6-months period. These actions can range from supporting to organising events, writing articles, through to full engagement with a subgroup.
Change initiators – Involved in actions/working groups (subgroups – critical thinking).
Strategy Group/Core – These members have demonstrated over a sustained period commitment and focus to the core values/principles. These members are activists, strategists & NME chapter leaders.
Membership on different levels is part of a dynamic system of moving between different membership stages.
No member is permitted to be 100% inactive as this is not consummate with a reciprocal relationship, contributions are expected of some level, if a member would like to reduce their input they will continue to have the option to return to their level membership should their circumstances permit.
The basic expectation is active membership. We will not accept inactive membership; all members must be involved in the development of NME.
A member may leave/reduce their membership status if their level of commitment needs to change. This may be due to e.g. changes in circumstances personally and/or professionally. The member should inform a core member of their intention and to seek support.
The only ‘expectations’ are that members enact our core values/principles and engage in the activism that they are able to commit to.
NME has created a process of accountability – For members whose actions are not aligned with the values of the movement. They will be asked to engage in the process of open dialogue to move forward. This will be supported by a core member.
Should this process not be engaged with – the member has effectively removed themselves from the work and thus the work of NME.

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